Groupement d’Intérêt Economique de Recherches et Etudes PSA-RENAULT

Institution :

Groupement d’Intérêt Economique de Recherches et Etudes PSA-RENAULT [GIE RE PR] was created in 1969 by PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN and RENAULT SAS. Its activities include those known as the Laboratory of Accidentology and Biomechanics (LAB) dedicated to acquiring scientific knowledge about accidents and biomechanics. The GIE RE PSA RENAULT has no staff. The activities are carried out by RENAULT SAS and PEUGEOT CITROËN AUTOMOBILIES SA (PCA) employees using common dedicated facilities.
The LAB’s activities are divided into three areas: Accidentology, Biomechanics and Human behavior. All three are multidisciplinary. The LAB carries out both micro (in-depth accident investigations) and macro accident analysis in order to get epidemiological, etiological as well as clinical knowledge about the injuries and the accident mechanisms. The LAB  developped expertise in Biomechanics (including Dummy technology, injury mechanism, risk curves and injury criteria) and has an acknowledged experience in Dummy and Human body simulations.
Over the years research studies in Biomechanics perfomed at LAB  focussed on head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and lower extremities. Injury mechanisms were investigated in frontal, side and rear impact. . As a result, since its creation, LAB had approximately 700 publications, successfully funded 34  PhD and was involved in 34 European Projects.           

Role in the project:

As a representative of the industry research, LAB's involvment in PIPER is mainly dedicated to:
- contributing to the specification and testing of the positioning and personalization tools
- running adult (GHBMC) and child Human Body simulations.
In addition, taking advantage of its membership to the GHBM Consortium as well as several other Working Groups, LAB has taken the assignment of leading the dissemination workpackage in PIPER.



Philippe PETIT, PhD, will serve as the GIE Scientific manager for PIPER project. He did his engineering and his PhD at Arts et Métier ParisTech in Paris. He has been a researcher in Car Crash Biomechanics for 20 years and has been the manager of the Biomechanics department at LAB for 3 years. He has been the representative of Renault and PSA Peugeot-Citroën in GHBMC from the begining.