
For all any info and downloads regarding the Piper Software or Child model, please go to

This site is the site of the PIPER European project (which is now completed). It will remain for historical purpose but will not be updated anymore.

The PIPER project is coordinated by the University of Lyon and gathers ten partners from five countries:

ucbl lab2 kth2
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 GIE de Recherches et d'Etudes PSA Renault Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan


Technische Universitat Berlin Foundation for Innovation & Technology Transfer - Delhi Centre Européen d'Etudes de Sécurite et d'Analyse des Risques
inria2   southampton
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique Partnership for Dummy Technology and Biomechanics University of Southampton
Lyon Ingénierie Projets